California Dental and Vision Insurance Plans
Question: Looking for dental and vision plans in CA. I would like it to be one plan that offers both but two different plans may be okay if it is cheaper in cost that way.
Answer: It would depend on what type of dental insurance plan you are wanting in regards to whether or not it is less expensive to buy a vision and dental plan in one or two different plans for each. We do provide a few dental PPO insurance plans that come with vision benefits though PPO dental plans are normally the more costly plan type.
In addition we also have dental discount plans that provide discounted savings for vision. These are much lower cost plans but they are not insurance.
Another option is reviewing our HMO options though Primecare and California Dental although they do not provide vision benefits these are the lower cost dental insurance options. Then go to our vision website at bestvisionplans.com to review or vision insurance option though VSP Vision. If you have any question about our dental and vision plans please call our member services at 310-534-3444 as they be happy to help.